HealthyPhoton participated in the 25th Air Pollution Prevention and Control Technology Seminar
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    On April 10 and 11, the 25th Air Pollution Prevention and Control Technology Seminar was successfully held in Xi'an. HealthyPhoton participated in the form of an academic presentation and a sponsor. In the academic poster session, we demonstrated the HT-8700 atmospheric ammonia analyzer based on quantum cascade laser and its experimental results of ammonia flux measurement in farmland. At the same time, we displayed trace gas analyzers in various industrial and ecological fields, which attracted the attention of the guests.

Participating scholars looking at the poster about HT-8700 atmospheric ammonia analyzer

Participating scholars looking at the poster about HT-8700 atmospheric ammonia analyzer

    At this Seminar, participating experts, scholars, and industry representatives focused on the topic of air pollution prevention and control, interpreting current Chinese policies, discussing cutting-edge technologies, sharing successful cases, and providing advice and suggestions for in-depth solutions against air pollution. In response to the topic of "Atmospheric Ammonia Emission Reduction Technology and Prevention Policy", the paper "An Open-path Ammonia Analyzer and Its Application in Farmland Ammonia Flux Measurement" submitted by HealthyPhton and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was published. The result was displayed as an academic poster at the seminar. The paper presents an eddy covariance ammonia flux measurement system based on the HT-8700 open-path atmospheric ammonia analyzer and the experimental data in a paddy field in Ningbo. The experimental results show that the HT-8700 has the advantages of fast response, high accuracy, and low power consumption, and is suitable for field ammonia flux measurement using the eddy covariance method.

HT-8700 atmospheric ammonia analyzer deployed in the rice field

HT-8700 atmospheric ammonia analyzer deployed in the rice field in Ningbo

    In addition, in the sessions of "Atmospheric Ammonia Emission Reduction Technology and Prevention Policy" and "Atmospheric Deposition and Its Eco-Environmental Effects", several scholars mentioned the importance of agricultural ammonia volatilization monitoring. They also affirmed the micro-meteorological method, which is based on the eddy covariance method with open-path analyzers is currently considered to be a more accurate detection method in academia. With the self-developed HT-8700 open-path atmospheric ammonia analyzer, HealthyPhoton will actively respond to the government's deployment of various atmospheric ammonia monitoring networks in the future. 

    At the same time, in line with the theme of the seminar, HealthyPhoton presented other analysis instruments related to air pollution prevention, including the HPE-1900 ozone analyzer and LGM-1600 portable ammonia analyzer. We look forward to contributing to the global effort of carbon neutrality and air pollution prevention management.

Related Links:

1. Field Deployment of the HT8700 for Paddy Field Ammonia Emission Flux Measurements

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