The Minister of Science and Technology praises HealthyPhoton R&D efforts to achieve carbon neutrality
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    On the afternoon of April 16, Wang Zhigang, Minister of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, and his entourage visited the Carbon Neutral North Center in Jinan. As a pioneer of domestic high-end gas flux measurement instruments, our HT-8700 open-path atmospheric ammonia analyzer was displayed at the North Center. HealthyPhoton's independent research and development capabilities have been praised by the Minister of Science and Technology.

The Minister of Science and Technology Wang Zhigang visited the HealthyPhton HT-8700 atmospheric ammonia analyzer

Figure 1. The Minister of Science and Technology Wang Zhigang visited the HealthyPhton HT-8700 atmospheric ammonia analyzer (photo source: Jinan Daily)


    Recently, in response to the State Council’s decision and deployment for carbon neutrality, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as IAP), Jinan City Government, and Shandong Development Investment Holding Group signed a strategic agreement to promote the establishment of the Carbon Neutral North Center in Jinan. During this trip, Minister Wang Zhigang focused on investigating the independent technological innovation strength and projects of the North Center.

HealthyPhoton HT-8700 displayed in the Carbon Neutral North Center

Figure 2. HealthyPhoton HT-8700 as a domestic independent research and development project, displayed in the Carbon Neutral North Center

    In the past few years, HealthyPhoton has established a close cooperative relationship with IAP. With the joint efforts of both parties, the international leading HT-8700 open-path ammonia analyzer has been launched. We have gradually accumulated experience in the development and application of instruments in the field of environmental monitoring.

    In future work with IAP, HealthyPhoton will take the lead in the development of greenhouse gas and pollutant gas analyzers to help establish a nationwide monitoring network.

Related Links:

1. Go Carbon Neutral!

2. HealthyPhoton participated in ambient ammonia testing and monitoring at CNEMC

3. On-Site Mobile NH3 Measurements at Livestock Farm

4. Field Deployment of the HT8700 for Paddy Field Ammonia Emission Flux Measurements

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