HealthyPhoton joined China Packaging Federation
Home - Environmental monitoring - Applications - HealthyPhoton joined China Packaging Federation
    On March 21th, HealthyPhoton was honored to be recognized by the China Packaging Federation (CPF) and became one of its members.

    CPF is one of the national industry federations with the approval of the State Council. Its mission is to focus on China's economic construction and promote sustained, rapid, healthy, and harmonious development of China's packaging industry.

    Becoming a member of the China Packaging Federation is an affirmation of the application of HealthyPhoton's technology to the packaging industry. HealthyPhoton focuses on trace gas analysis technology based on infrared laser spectroscopy. It is one of the leading suppliers in China that support QCLAS technology in scientific research and industrial applications.  AeroNoseTM series of online aerosol can leak detection module is our first product for the packaging industry. The product is positioned to provide a fully automatic, more efficient, and more energy-saving online aerosol can leak 100% inspection guarantee. AeroNoseTM integrates the world's top quantum cascade lasers and artificial intelligence algorithms. It has sufficiently high sensitivity and speed to fully meet the needs of online leak detection. Compared with the traditional hot water bath method, AeroNoseTM does not require high energy-consuming heating and drying processes. Its energy-saving advantages perfectly fit the current global call for carbon neutrality and meet the long-term development needs of aerosol can manufacturers.

    In the packaging industry, HealthyPhoton is positioned as a supplier of high-precision gas leak sensing instruments. The target gas species include LGP, HFC, DME, alcohol/ethanol, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc. Contact us for more information!

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