HealthyPhoton Celebrates the International Day of Light with Tsinghua and UNNC
Home - Environmental monitoring - Applications - HealthyPhoton Celebrates the International Day of Light with Tsinghua and UNNC

    May 16, 2021, is the fourth annual "International Day of Light" recognized by UNESCO. The Department of Electronics of Tsinghua University and the Institute of Optoelectronics have held a series of activities in response to the "International Day of Light." Dr. Yin Wang, the founder and CEO of HealthyPhoton, was invited to share his entrepreneurial experience as an alumnus as well as the industrialization of laser-based gas analysis technology for the "carbon neutrality" market.

    In this lecture, Dr. Yin Wang introduced the cutting-edge applications of mid- and far-infrared spectroscopy. Under the threat of the COVID-19 epidemic and climate change, various researches in the field of laser spectroscopy gas analysis are expected to bring promising solutions in the fields of medical and environmental protection. It is hoped that on this special "International Day of Light", students will be able to realize the importance of the photoelectric research work to the development of real society. Hence, more outstanding talents can be attracted to invest in laser-related research and industry.

 Dr.Yin Wang and Prof. Wei Zhang of Tsinghua University

Dr. Yin Wang and Prof. Wei Zhang of Tsinghua University

 Dr. Wang shared cutting-edge applications of laser-based gas analysis technology

Dr. Wang shared cutting-edge applications of laser-based gas analysis technology

    Also in the spring, Dr. Yin Wang was honored to be invited to participate in the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China (UNNC). IAB is an important mechanism that can bring industrial information to university courses. HealthyPhoton looks forward to cooperating with IAB members, sharing talents and technologies, and promoting industry-university cooperation!

Dr. Yin Wang and Prof. Jim Greer, head of the EEE department, UNNC

Dr. Yin Wang and Prof. Jim Greer, head of the EEE department, UNNC

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