New! High-power and high-current QCL product series
Home - TDLAS modules - Applications - New! High-power and high-current QCL product series

    Facing the needs of our customers, HealthyPhoton has newly launched the QC-2000 High-Power Integrated Current & TEC Driver for QCLs and Qube Plus Mini High-power QCL Head specially designed for high-power, high-current QCL chips. The new products can better adapt to QCL applications that require a larger current and more precise temperature control. We have developed the Qube Plus laser head to adapt to the QC-2000 QCL driver, with which users can quickly build a set of QCL-based laser source.


Qube Plus Mini High-power QCL Head

Qube Plus Mini High-power QCL Head

• Designed for high-power, high-current QCL chips

• Single-mode output optical power can reach 150mW, and multi-mode can reach hundreds of mW*

• Collimated beam of low interference fringes

• Integrated high-power semiconductor TEC with strong cooling capacity

*Note: The output laser power depends on the laser chip specifications. HealthyPhoton reserves the right to interpret the final power.


QC-2000 High-Power Integrated Current & TEC Driver for QCLs

QC-2000 High-Power Integrated Current & TEC Driver for QCLs

• The driving current range is increased to 2000mA, which is suitable for high-power QCL chips and external cavity QCL (EC-QCL) chips

• Integrated TEC driver with larger current and better temperature control

• Multiple output safety mechanisms to extend the life of the chip and

• Friendly human-computer interface

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