Green Future Advocates: HealthyPhoton Engages in Deep Exchanges with Peking University and TNO
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In the face of escalating global climate change and environmental pollution, the development of science and technology offers new hope for addressing these issues. Recently, HealthyPhoton Technology Co., Ltd. invited Peking University and the TNO to engage in a series of academic exchanges with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(IAP, CAS), and Eastern Institute for Advanced Study(EIAS).

Academic Symposium and Exchange: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

On July 19, Dr. Arjan Hensen from TNO delivered an academic lecture titled "Measurements of Greenhouse Gas, Reactive Nitrogen, and Air Pollutants" at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics.

The lecture focused on the measurement of greenhouse gases, reactive nitrogen, and air pollutants. The TNO team is deeply committed to the global climate crisis, conducting in-depth research on the emission and evolution trends of various greenhouse gases and ammonia in Europe and their impact on the atmospheric environment and ecosystems. Their findings provide scientific and effective data support for the Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

The team shared multiple research cases and published results, including the participation of HealthyPhoton's HT8700E NH3 Open-Path Analyzer in the Netherlands mobile monitoring project, ICOS’s Loobs station forest canopy observation project, and the Ruisdael station gradient and eddy covariance method comparison project.

Academic Symposium and Exchange:  Eastern Institute for Advanced Study

On the afternoon of July 22, Eastern Institute for Advanced Study held the Sustainable Development Environmental Symposium. 

The symposium was hosted and opened by Professor Zheng Chunmiao, Vice President and Chair Professor of Eastern Institute for Advanced Study, who warmly welcomed the attending scholars and emphasized the importance of international academic cooperation and knowledge sharing.

This symposium brought together authoritative experts in the environmental field, including Professors Hu Min and Guo Song from the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University; Dr. Arjan Hensen and Dr. Zhang Jun from TNO; and Wang Yin, founder of HealthyPhoton. They shared the latest research results in atmospheric chemistry, pollutant source analysis, and atmospheric ammonia monitoring technology. Participating students and faculty engaged actively in discussions, demonstrating a high level of academic interaction.

Technical Exchange and On-Site Visit: HealthyPhoton Technology Co., Ltd.

On July 23, Dr. Arjan Hensen, Dr. Zhang Jun, Professor Hu Min, and Professor Guo Song conducted an on-site visit and technical exchange at HealthyPhoton.

· Technical Presentation: Showcased HealthyPhoton’s advanced technology and innovative products in greenhouse gas monitoring, including Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) technology and environmental monitoring products.

· Laboratory Tour: Visited HealthyPhoton’s high-tech laboratory to learn about the latest monitoring equipment and technology developments.

· Discussion and Cooperation: TNO scientists, Peking University professors, and HealthyPhoton's technical team held in-depth discussions on future cooperation directions, exploring possibilities in atmospheric monitoring, data sharing, and technology development.

These activities not only demonstrated the latest environmental monitoring technologies and research achievements but also provided new ideas for future environmental technology development.

Looking ahead, we will continue to strengthen cooperation with leading international research institutions, promoting global greenhouse gas reduction and environmental protection through technological innovation and scientific breakthroughs.

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