Staying True to the Original Aspiration, Driven by Innovation: HealthyPhoton Discusses Technology and Green Development with Tsinghua Alumni
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On June 22nd, the 113th anniversary of Tsinghua University and the 2024 Ningbo Tsinghua University Alumni Association Annual Meeting were grandly held at the InterContinental Hotel in Ningbo. Wang Yin, founder of HealthyPhoton Technology Co., Ltd., was invited to attend the event and joined numerous alumni in exploring the future of technology innovation and green development.


Solid Support for Technological Innovation


At the beginning of the event, Yu Chenghao, Deputy Director of Yongjiang Sci-Tech Innovation Office, delivered a speech emphasizing that talent is the cornerstone of technological innovation and the core force driving the development of the Yongjiang Sci-Tech Innovation Zone. Tsinghua alumni provide strong support and valuable resources for the development of the zone.


Zhu Liang, Deputy Secretary-General of the Tsinghua University Alumni Association, introduced the school's key achievements over the past year and the current situation of the Alumni Association.


Xue Weihai, President of the Ningbo Tsinghua University Alumni Association, reviewed the achievements of the Ningbo Alumni Association, highlighting that the Yongjiang Sci-Tech Innovation Zone is fertile ground for Tsinghua alumni's ideals and development in Ningbo. This event not only witnessed mutual trust but also marked a new starting point for joint advancement and future creation.


Promoting an Environment for Innovation and Entrepreneurship


HealthyPhoton's development owes much to the support of the Tsinghua University Alumni Association. Established in 2014, HealthyPhoton Technology Co., Ltd., took root in the Tsinghua Science Park, driving technological innovation and green development as a high-tech company integrating research, production, and sales. Founder Wang Yin, with extensive academic and research experience from Tsinghua University and Princeton University, embarked on the entrepreneurial path with the dream of serving the country and advancing technology.


At the outset of their business, HealthyPhoton faced numerous challenges such as funding shortages, technical problems, and market expansion. However, guided by the spirit of Tsinghua and steadfast perseverance, HealthyPhoton continuously broke through in technological innovation, eventually securing "Enlightenment Star" angel investment and support from Ningbo's 3315 Plan for attracting high-level overseas talents, crucially supporting HealthyPhoton's early development.


Focused on Technological Innovation, Driving Green Productivity


In the year of carbon neutrality, 2021, HealthyPhoton Technology Co., Ltd., launched its brand, covering gas detection system units, data service platforms, and end-user application solutions. Widely applied in spectroscopy research, ecological meteorology, industrial carbon neutrality, and other fields, it has made significant contributions to the national "carbon neutrality" goal. These products have successfully exported to countries like the UK, Canada, and the Netherlands, earning international acclaim.


In recent years, HealthyPhoton has continued to increase research and development investment. In 2024, the company launched several product upgrades, including the HT8850R industrial-grade high-precision greenhouse gas analyzer and the HT8600P atmospheric methane laser open-path analyzer, promoting innovation in green low-carbon technologies. HealthyPhoton has consistently adhered to the brand concept of "spectrum technology assisting in a zero-carbon Earth," using technological innovation as a driving force to build green productivity.


During the event, the founder of HealthyPhoton expressed that the company will continue to uphold the development philosophy driven by innovation, focusing on the research and application of high-precision gas analyzers. Through continuous innovation and technological breakthroughs, it aims to promote the development of green productivity and contribute to the global environmental protection cause.


Joining Hands to Create a Green Future


The Ningbo Tsinghua Alumni Annual Meeting not only celebrated the 113th anniversary of Tsinghua University but also looked forward to future cooperation. HealthyPhoton will continue to collaborate with partners from all sectors, shoulder to shoulder, to embrace the infinite possibilities brought by new quality productivity, promote Ningbo's economic development, and actively build a talent delivery system tailored to national needs.

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