Application Cases: HT8840 All-in-one Portable GHG Analyzer is employed in the observation project for CH4 emissions in aquatic systems.
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Collaborator: Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Project Duration: December 2023

Project Location: Poyang Lake Site


Project Background

The issue of methane (CH4) emissions, a greenhouse gas, has become a global concern. In recent years, the emission levels have been rapidly increasing, leading to record-high concentrations of CHin the atmosphere. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and numerous scientific institutions have issued warnings that the CH4 concentration has reached a "critical point," necessitating urgent action to reduce methane greenhouse gas emissions.


To achieve emission reduction, it is crucial to accurately assess the CH4 emission levels from various systems and their contributions to overall emissions. Water bodies, including lakes and wetlands, contribute to over half of the global CH4 emissions. This highlights the importance of accurately evaluating CH4 emissions from aquatic systems in understanding the driving factors behind the increase in CH4 emissions.



Ningbo HealthyPhoton Co., Ltd. has provided the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, with theHT8840 All-in-one Portable GHG Analyzer for measuring CH4 emissions at the Poyang Lake site. The HT8840 analyzer offers high-precision measurement data, contributing not only to understanding the actual CH4 emissions from aquatic systems but also providing a scientific basis for formulating corresponding emission reduction strategies.


HT8840 All-in-one Portable GHG Analyzer is a domestically innovative product developed, produced, and sold by Ningbo HealthyPhoton Co., Ltd. This instrument series is designed based on quantum cascade laser technology, utilizing the "fingerprint" absorption spectra of gas molecules in the mid-infrared. It uses semiconductor quantum cascade lasers (QCL) as light sources, allowing lasers to pass through mid-infrared enhanced optical cavities. The transmitted light is received by mid-infrared photoelectric detectors, and the transmitted spectra are extracted and analyzed, accurately inversely obtaining the concentration of target greenhouse gases. This achieves a more precise, timely, and scientific measurement of target greenhouse gas molecules.


HT8840 All-in-one Portable GHG Analyzer achieves rapid and accurate greenhouse gas measurements in a portable instrument case. It uses independent strong absorption lines, making it immune to cross-interference from other gas molecules' spectra. This series of gas analyzers can be powered by solar energy or lithium batteries, enabling fixed-point or mobile continuous observation of greenhouse gas concentrations.

Related Product

HT8840 All-in-one Portable GHG Analyzer

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