Application Case: HT8850 All-in-one Portable GHG Analyzers successfully applicated in the dual cycle soil respiration observation system project of Tarim University
Home - TDLAS modules - Applications - Application Case: HT8850 All-in-one Portable GHG Analyzers successfully applicated in the dual cycle soil respiration observation system project of Tarim University

Project Details: Greenhouse gas emissions testing for soil respiration

Project Start Date: November 2023

Project Location: Tarim University, Xinjiang Province


HealhtyPhoton HT8850 All-in-one Portable GHG Analyzers paired with a respiratory chamber will be deployed for the outdoor grassland system in the first phase of the project. The second phase of the project will be used to detect long-term and continuous monitoring of soil greenhouse gas flux at multiple points in the Tarim region of Xinjiang.


Instrument Installation

Related product: HT8850 All-in-one Portable GHG Analyzers

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