Interview on the 10th Anniversary of the Founder: A Decade of Dedication, Building a Green Future with Wisdom and Technology
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In today's world, where global warming and environmental issues are becoming increasingly severe, a "green earth" is not just a concept but a responsibility for every person and every company. HealthyPhoton, driven by technological innovation and committed to the promise of a green earth, has walked a remarkable ten-year journey. Today, we are joined by Dr. Wang Yin, founder of HealthyPhoton, to share the story of the company’s ten-year development and his deep understanding of the vision for a greener planet.

Q: HealthyPhoton has reached its 10th anniversary. What does this milestone mean to you?

Dr. Wang: The past decade is not only a testament to time but also a reflection of our team’s unwavering pursuit of a dream for a green earth.

From the very beginning, we positioned ourselves in the high-end spectrum analysis technology market, focusing on atmospheric environmental detection. At that time, the market largely relied on imported equipment, but we believed that with independent research and development, domestic companies could establish a strong foothold in this field. Over the years, we have gradually introduced high-precision atmospheric environmental analyzers suitable for scientific research, ecological meteorology, and industrial carbon neutrality. I feel that we are making tangible contributions to the zero-carbon goal.

Q: What motivated you to establish HealthyPhoton?

Dr. Wang: The founding of HealthyPhoton stemmed from my belief in environmental protection and the power of technology. My academic experiences at Tsinghua University and Princeton University showed me the critical role of technology in sustainable development. China’s path toward carbon neutrality requires cutting-edge environmental technology companies, and we aspired to be one of those companies.

A green earth is not just an environmental concept; it’s a lifestyle and a responsibility. We founded HealthyPhoton with the hope of providing strong technological support for environmental protection through spectral analysis technology, aiding the global carbon neutrality goal. Throughout this journey, we have integrated the vision of a green earth into every decision and every product.

Q: You mentioned that a green earth is more than just an environmental concept—it’s a lifestyle. Could you share your understanding of this philosophy?

Dr. Wang: A zero-carbon future is not just about reducing emissions; it's about rethinking how we coexist with the planet. It’s not just about technological progress but also about changing our way of life. We need to reassess our lifestyle choices, from energy conservation to choosing low-carbon travel, all of which show respect for the earth.

For both me and HealthyPhoton, promoting a zero-carbon lifestyle is about more than just environmental technology innovation; it’s about practicing sustainable development in daily life. I hope that through HealthyPhoton’s efforts, we can inspire more people and companies to embrace green living and create a truly zero-carbon, sustainable future.

Q: How does HealthyPhoton ensure that its technology remains at the forefront of the industry?

Dr. Wang: In product development, we adhere to two principles: innovation and customer needs. Our products are designed using quantum cascade laser (QCL) technology, utilizing the "fingerprint" absorption spectra of gas molecules in the mid-to-far infrared range. We use semiconductor quantum cascade lasers as the light source, with the laser passing through an enhanced mid-infrared cavity. The transmitted light is received by a mid-infrared photodetector, which extracts and analyzes the transmission spectrum to accurately determine the concentration of target greenhouse gases. This allows for precise, timely, and scientific measurements of greenhouse gas molecules.

We also place a strong emphasis on customer needs, working closely with them to ensure that our products not only lead in technology but also solve the practical challenges they face. This dual focus allows us to maintain industry leadership and continuously introduce innovative products.

With the introduction of the "dual carbon" goal, greenhouse gas monitoring has become a top priority. In the field of atmospheric environment monitoring, we have made significant breakthroughs, launching the HT8850R industrial-grade high-precision greenhouse gas analyzer and the HT8600P methane and water vapor open-path laser analyzer in 2024.

Our product range covers gas detection systems, data service platforms, and end-user application solutions, providing solutions to over 200 global customers.

Q: In your view, what are the future trends in the environmental monitoring industry?

Dr. Wang: The future of environmental monitoring will become more intelligent and data-driven. With the rapid development of IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence, we will see more smart environmental monitoring devices that not only track environmental data but also perform intelligent analysis and provide warnings. This is a huge step forward for the environmental monitoring field. HealthyPhoton has already taken the first step with the launch of QingXin Cloud HT Cloud, an efficient data service platform designed to address users' needs in data acquisition and analysis. It focuses on providing centralized site data management, remote access, real-time monitoring, and data analysis, meeting users’ diverse needs in project research, site management, and data analysis.

Q: Looking ahead to the next ten years, what are your expectations for HealthyPhoton?

Dr. Wang: In the next decade, I hope HealthyPhoton can have an even greater impact globally. We will continue to strengthen technological innovation and expand the application fields of our products, providing more support for global environmental protection. I am confident that our efforts are not just for commercial success but to leave behind a better earth for the next generation.

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