Congratulations! HealthyPhoton Successfully Included in the First Batch of District-level Enterprise Technology R&D Centers for 2024
Home - TDLAS modules - Applications - Congratulations! HealthyPhoton Successfully Included in the First Batch of District-level Enterprise Technology R&D Centers for 2024

Recently, the Yinzhou District Science and Technology Bureau officially announced the first batch of Yinzhou District Enterprise Technology R&D Centers for 2024. HealthyPhoton has been successfully selected due to its outstanding technological innovation capabilities and strong R&D strength. This honor not only highly recognizes our company's continuous efforts and significant achievements in the field of technology research and development but also injects new momentum into the company's future development.

We sincerely thank all levels of government, industry colleagues, and our customers for their support and love for HealthyPhoton. We will continue to strive forward and work hard to create a better tomorrow!

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