Application Case | HT8500 Successfully Applied in Luancheng Experimental Station for Farmland Nitrous Oxide Emission Observation Experiment
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Project Overview

Project Instrument: HT8500 Open-Path N2O Analyzer

Project Time: March 2024

Project Location: Luancheng Agro-Ecosystem Experimental Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Project Content: N2O emission observation experiment in wheat-maize fields in the northern North China Plain

Project Background

Global food production faces the significant challenge of ensuring environmental sustainability while meeting the demands of a growing population. Agriculture is considered the largest source of anthropogenic N2O emissions, with nitrogen fertilizer application (including chemical and organic fertilizers) in farmlands being the primary contributor. N2is a potent greenhouse gas with a significant impact on global warming. Therefore, reducing N2O emissions from farmlands is crucial for keeping global temperature rise within 2°C.


Application Case

In March 2024, the HT8500 Open-Path N2O Analyzer by HealthyPhoton was deployed at the Luancheng Agro-Ecosystem Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to conduct an N2O emission observation experiment in the wheat-maize fields of the northern North China Plain. The Luancheng Experimental Station, located in the core area of the North China Plain, falls under the warm temperate semi-humid monsoon climate zone, making it an ideal place for studying the agricultural ecosystem of this region. The station’s soil mainly consists of moisture-retentive brown soil, and the ecological type is predominantly double-cropping fields of wheat and maize. This region represents a typical high-yield agricultural ecosystem in the northern North China Plain, covering an area of 49,800 square kilometers with 3.8 million mu (approximately 253,333 hectares) of arable land, characterized by intensive high-yield, resource constraints, well-irrigated agriculture, and suburban agriculture.

This observation experiment focuses on N2O emissions from wheat-maize fields in the northern North China Plain. By continuously monitoring N2O emissions, researchers can better understand the impact of farmland management practices on greenhouse gas emissions, thereby providing scientific evidence for the formulation of emission reduction policies. The core objective of this experiment is to quantify the amount of N2O emissions from farmlands and analyze the variations in N2O emissions under different farmland management practices, aiming to find more environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural production methods.


The successful application of the HT8500 Open-Path N2O Analyzer at the Luancheng Agro-Ecosystem Experimental Station provides significant support for promoting green agricultural development and environmental protection. HealthyPhoton will continue to innovate in environmental protection technology and contribute to global sustainable development.


RELATED PRODUCT: HT8500 Open-Path N2O Analyzer

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