Application Case: HT8700 Open-Path Analyzer for NH3 Emission Measurement at a Multi-Animal Shed Farm of Shanxi University
Home - Carbon Asset Data Service - Applications - Application Case: HT8700 Open-Path Analyzer for NH3 Emission Measurement at a Multi-Animal Shed Farm of Shanxi University

Project Location:

A farm in Beitousi Village, Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, where pigs, cows, and sheep are simultaneously raised.


Project Background:

With the development of society and the expansion of the livestock industry, the impact of agricultural NH3 emissions on environmental air quality has been increasing. These emissions have a significant presence in the natural environment and can promote the formation of secondary aerosols and haze, even indirectly affecting the production of O3 in the atmosphere.


Project Objectives:

To understand the emission and dispersion patterns of NH3 in livestock sheds, to comprehend the influence of NH3 on the formation of secondary aerosols, and to employ models for accurate and comprehensive assessment of atmospheric NH3.


Analysis Methods:

This project utilized an open-path laser NH3 analyzer (HT8700) for online measurement of NH3 concentrations in the livestock farm. The analyzer was mounted on a mobile platform (Figure 2.3a) and included the Healthy Photon HT8700 Atmospheric Ammonia Laser Open-Path Analyzer, data acquisition module, GPS module, ultrasonic three-dimensional wind speed module, and real-time data processing module (Figure 2.3b).

The project conducted a comparative experiment on measurement accuracy between the nano-reagent spectrophotometric method (HJ533-2009) and the open-path laser NH3 analyzer.




A comparison between the results of  NH3 measurements obtained by the national standard method (nano-reagent spectrophotometric method) and the open-path laser  NH3 analyzer (HT8700) revealed that HT8700 produced  NH3 concentration values higher than those of the national standard method. However, these differences were within an acceptable range and did not hinder the use of HT8700 for measuring  NH3 in the livestock farm. HT8700 is an open-path, real-time measurement instrument that is convenient and flexible, making it suitable for capturing short-term fluctuations in  NH3 levels in the livestock farm.



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