Domestic innovation | HealthyPhoton HT8800 All-in-one Multi-component Greenhouse Gas Analyzers has achieved large-scale production and smooth delivery
Home - Carbon Asset Data Service - Applications - Domestic innovation | HealthyPhoton HT8800 All-in-one Multi-component Greenhouse Gas Analyzers has achieved large-scale production and smooth delivery

In July 2023, HealthyPhoton's product HT8800  All-in-one Multi-component Greenhouse Gas Analyzers has achieved large-scale production and successfully completed delivery.

HT8800  All-in-one Multi-component Greenhouse Gas Analyzers

The HT8800 All-in-one Multi-component Greenhouse Gas (CO2, CH4, N2O, H2O)  Analyzers is independently developed, manufactured, and sold by HealthyPhoton Technology Co., Ltd. This series of instruments is designed based on quantum cascade laser (QCL) technology, utilizing the "fingerprint" absorption spectra of gas molecules in the mid-to-far infrared range. It employs state-of-the-art semiconductor quantum cascade lasers as the light source, allowing the laser to pass through an innovative mid-infrared enhanced cavity. The transmitted light is received by a mid-infrared photodetector, which extracts and analyzes the transmission spectra. This enables accurate inversion to obtain the concentrations of target greenhouse gas components, thereby achieving a more precise, timely, and scientific measurement of the target greenhouse gas molecules.

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