AMT: Measuring dry deposition of ammonia using flux-gradient and eddy covariance methods with two novel open-path instruments
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In this article, scientists from the Netherlands present the results of an intercomparison of two novel measurement setups to measure the dry deposition of NH3 at half-hourly resolution.

AMT: Measuring dry deposition of ammonia using flux-gradient and eddy covariance methods with two novel open-path instruments


In a five-week comparison period, the research group operated two optical open-path techniques side by side at the Ruisdael station in Cabauw, the Netherlands. One is the novel RIVM-miniDOAS 2.2D using the aerodynamic gradient technique, and the other is the commercial Healthy Photon HT8700E using the eddy covariance technique. The two instruments both have open-path designs, but they are widely different in their measurement principle. The article showed similar results in the absolute flux measurements and the temporal patterns, proving that both RIVM-miniDOAS 2.2D and HT8700E could measure NH3 fluxes at high temporal resolution for a consecutive period of at least several weeks.


Field deployment of RIVM-miniDOAS 2.2D and HT8700E at the Ruisdael station

Field deployment of RIVM-miniDOAS 2.2D and HT8700E at the Ruisdael station


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